The menu is accessed by pressing the circular button. NOTE: Do not press and hold – this will turn the monitor off.

The eight menu categories will be shown, and the active icon is indicated with white. Use the arrows to navigate between the categories. Select category by pressing the square button. To navigate out of a category or to close the menu, press the circular button.
Some categories have sub-categories. Use the arrow buttons to navigate between the sub-categories and select with the square button. To navigate out of a sub-category, press the square button again.

Use the arrow buttons to change the volume.

This category has three sub-categories. Use the arrow buttons to navigate between the sub-categories and select with the square button. To navigate out of a sub-category, press the square button again.
Use the arrow buttons to make the picture brighter or darker.
Use the arrow buttons to change the contrast between light and dark areas.
Use the arrow buttons to change the color saturation. A low value will give a black and white picture.


Recording on/off
To start and stop the recording, toggle the switch. The recording is started when the switch is green and a small blue square is present in the top of the picture. NOTE: The system will not give you a warning if an SD card is not installed!Overwrite old files
Toggle this switch to enable the monitor to overwrite the oldest files when the SD-card is full.Format SD card
Toggle this switch to format the SD card. NOTE: All files will be lost in the process!Loop settings


Here you can set the date and time for the system. Step through the numbers with the square button and use the arrows to change the values.Color system
Here you can set whether the video should be in PAL or NTSC format. Use the arrows to switch between the two formats.Auto dimmer
Toggle this switch to enable the monitor to enter night mode and turn darker after 5 seconds in a dark environment.Backing distance
Toggle this switch to enable the backing distance indicators on Channel 4. Note that these can only be used with Channel 4.Play

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