Before you start please check that you are using the app and not the webpage in order to receive push notifications to the app.
1. To create a new alarm select Alarm +.
2. Choose voltage level or voltage change (which reacts on a percentual change of voltage) and select a level that suits your fence,
3. The person creating the alarm is set to receive notifications. You can also select more participants that are members of the farm to receive notifications.
4. When you are done click save.
5. If you want to make any changes to the alarms or who should receive notifications you select the alarm.
6. To add an additional recipient of the alarm notifications, select participants and choose among the members on the farm.
7. Besides selecting receipients to the alarms you need to check that you haven't disabled notifications to your account. You can check this by entering My Account and then scroll down to notificatons. Note that SMS is purchased separately.
8. Also check your settings on your phone so the app is allowed to send you push notifications.
The steps to check it is described below for Android but note that there can be some differences between Android versions and for iOS.